“Rise above the little things.”
—John Burroughs, 19th Century American essayist
Have you heard of the book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff?
There is a companion workbook to help you put many of the techniques and strategies from the book into practice.
I suggest a three-step process to help you rise above the little things that often bring us all down:
Step One: Conduct a 5-10 minute inventory of the “little things” that hold you back, personally or professionally. A list of 3-5 in each category is a good start.
Step Two: Clarify the specific benefits or desired future possible if these pesky or intolerable issues were handled.
Step Three: Summon the courage, fortitude, and grit to become a bigger, more capable version of yourself. Take the necessary action and/or shift your perspective to have many of these “little things” fade away.
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