“Some people look for a beautiful place, while other people make a place beautiful.”
—Hazrat Inayat Khan, 19th Century Founder of the Sufi Order

Image from Unsplash by Anna Kolosyuk
We have all heard the quote, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
If this is true, how much beauty have you beheld today? Many people believe they must visit special places like new cities, national parks, or other bucket list destinations to see such beauty.
Those more tuned into the power of beauty to inspire and enliven our worlds discover and see beauty in the more familiar people, places and things right in their own yards.
Today’s quote challenges us to take a step further to see and become a proactive creator of beauty instead of just a consumer of it.
Where and in what ways can you bring – or better yet, create – a more beautiful world to inspire yourself and others in your communities?