Table tennis requires unwavering concentration

“Table tennis requires unwavering concentration, mental resilience, strategic thinking, emotional control, self-confidence, and adaptability.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Jure Zakotnik

Although Pickleball is all the rage these days, I have come to favor a good old-fashion game of Ping Pong for many reasons, including:

  • Ping Pong is easier for beginners, as the table is much smaller and requires less movement.
  • Ping Pong tables are significantly smaller (9ft x 5 ft) compared to a pickleball court (44ft x 20ft), making it more suitable for indoor spaces and home use.
  • Ping Pong can be played year-round indoors regardless of the weather conditions.
  • At intermediate and advanced levels, Ping Pong offers lightning-fast, close quarters gameplay with quick exchanges, which can be more exciting for those who enjoy rapid fire action.
  • While still requiring good reflexes and coordination, Ping Pong is less physically demanding than pickleball, making it accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.


Where in your life would better concentration, mental resilience, enhanced strategic thinking, improved self-control, greater self-confidence, and adaptability come in handy?

If these qualities sound good to you, why not give Ping Pong a spin?

Things do not necessarily happen for the best

“Things do not necessarily happen for the best, but I can choose to make the best of things that happen.”

—Tal Ben-Shahar, Israeli-American Author/Lecturer

Image of a sailboat on rough waters

Image from Unsplash by Alan Meceanu

Take a few minutes to reflect on your day if it is evening, or on yesterday’s events if you are reading this in the morning. To what degree did everything go as planned, and work out exactly as you hoped?

If things did not work out for the best for whatever reason, what consequences did you experience?

How did you react or respond, and what emotions or feelings came up?


Consider the metaphor of a sailboat. How might you adjust your sails and rudders of mindfulness and adaptability to the sometime stormy seas of life?

Feel free to reply to this post to share the approaches you take on a daily basis to make the best of things that happen.

stop a steamroller

“You will not stop a steamroller by standing in front of it, but by letting it run out of steam.”

-Laurent Carrel, Messages from Melanie

image of a steamroller

Image from

Do you know someone who unleashes anger, judgement, frustration, and upset on you or others from time to time?

Once they’re on a roll, there seems no stopping them, but there is one technique that can take the steam out of them. Choose to demonstrate interest in them by listening even more fully to their issues and concerns.

Use well-structured open-ended questions and layering to gain a greater depth of understanding. With this technique, you will likely help them quickly run out of steam.


Where and with whom could you try this technique, to create more work-ability in this important relationship?

If your feet are firmly planted on the ground

“If your feet are firmly planted on the ground, you’ll never be able to dance.”

—Iris Johansen, Crime Fiction and Romance Writer

Image of dancer's bare feet

Image from Flickr by Roger Jones

Who do you know personally or professionally that is exceedingly stubborn, rigid, set in their ways, and rarely budges in their thinking and actions? These are people who almost never produce new and better results because they are living examples of Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Who are the people you know that are open-minded, flexible, and even playful—people who “dance” with life, always exploring and creating new possibilities around them?


Where in your world is it appropriate to stand firm? Where is it time to be more flexible and dance to the music of your own life vision?

“A wise man adapts…”

“A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it.”

-Chinese Proverb

Photo from

Photo from

In my first career as a science teacher, the work of Charles Darwin and his book, “The Origin of Species,” was always part of the curriculum. The bottom line is that a species will survive only as long as it is able to adapt to its physical environment, including climate, food sources, and predators.


How well do you adapt to circumstances so that you survive in your professional and personal ecosystems? What adjustments, if any, are required to optimize your ability to thrive?