“Keep the bigger perspective in mind, not getting caught in life’s little whirlpools.”
—Barbara Ann Kipfer, Author of Self-Meditation

Image from Clipartfest
What are some of the events in your personal or professional life that have brought you down, upset you, or even caused you to feel angry?
Select just one event, and play with it through a variety of perspectives to see if you can rise out of the downward spiral.
Who in your world would barely notice the issue, or not be impacted at all? How would they view this issue?
Who do you know who would find the lesson in this issue and use the silver lining to better their life?
Who in your life is creative and innovate, always finding a way to achieve their objectives in spite of obstacles or challenges?
What new and different approaches and perspectives can you try to better navigate the swirling whirlpools that pull you down?
Consider asking some of the people you identified above for their coaching.