Believe in Yourself

“Believe in yourself a little more.”

—Author Unknown

Image from The Odyssey Online

A few weeks ago I began working with an exciting new coaching client with boundless energy and great potential.

As part of our kick-off Personal Excellence workday, we reviewed his 360° Leadership Survey, which examines his current style as a leader and manager, as well as his effectiveness in a variety of activities.

Although his perception of self was quite good, he was surprised, even a bit embarrassed, when his colleagues rated him significantly higher in virtually every area, including strengths and weaknesses.

Not surprisingly, he shared a bit of his upbringing. His parents were somewhat negative in their parenting strategies, leaving him feeling he was never good enough, and could never meet their expectations.


How would a far greater belief in yourself and your potential make a significant difference in living a happier and more successful life?

Where would a greater belief in those around you make a world of difference for the people you care about and love?

Be what you are

“Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.”

– St Francis de Sales, Roman Catholic Saint

Envy and jealousy rob us of our power. When we focus on the qualities and characteristics of others, we often pine for what we feel may be missing or lacking in ourselves. Personal appearance, physical abilities, and intellectual capacities are just a few examples.

Instead of wishing to be someone else, what if we fan the flames of our own passions and unique abilities to become our best self?


What if it were all about the journey within – a perfect-fitting life which was intended all along?

What would be possible if you were perfectly yourself?