“Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.”
—Author Unknown

Image from blogs.reading.ac.uk
In the past few months, I’ve read several blog posts on the topic of perfection and excellence, all focused on the debate between quantity and quality.
The real question is, how are you wired?
Do you go for perfection through extensive planning, strategizing, thinking, and rethinking?
Or do you jump in and get started making something that can be tweaked along the way?
Given many people’s desire to do it right the first time, some of us wait for the “perfect moment” to begin. Beginning, and the idea of doing many experiments from which we can learn seems to be the way things are headed. Albert Einstein said, “ How do I work? I grope.”
How and in what ways can you stop waiting for the “perfect” moment, and instead make more moments perfect?