Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions

“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.”

—Barbara Hemphill, author of Less Clutter More Life

Image from Unsplash by Tomas Yates

How do you feel about clutter?

Where do you see clutter in your world? What impact does it have on your general mood and attitude?

The idea of clutter being postponed decisions piqued my curiosity and caused me to take a deeper dive into my desires or aversions to tidying up.

Since I enjoy cooking I decided to de-clutter my fridge.

Checking and using only the freshest ingredients raised my spirits knowing that I was deciding to serve tasty, quality dishes to those I love.


Where are you experiencing clutter in your life?

What decisions can you make and what actions can and will you take to bring greater order and peace of mind to your world?

“Don’t set your heart on so many things.”

“Don’t set your heart on so many things.”

—Epictetus, ancient Greek Philosopher

Image from Unsplash by Luis Villasmil

Our hearts can be a bit like our hands — they can only grasp and hold so much.

The media keeps telling us the lie, “You Can Have it All!”

Many who pursue the never-ending journey of MORE eventually consume their lives in a frantic race, rarely feeling extended periods of satisfaction, contentment, and peace of mind.

I love the idea that the best things in life are not things. Traveling lighter with what fills our hearts and nurtures our souls seems far wiser council.


If your heart is a bit heavy these days or if what you have is not fully satisfying, try a bit of physical, mental, and emotional uncluttering. Please reply to this post to let me know what you discover about your heart’s true desires.

“The truth is in you. How much room do you give it?”

“The truth is in you. How much room do you give it?”

—Laurent F. Carrel, Founding Partner of Carrel & Partner

Image from Unsplash by S&B Vonlanthen

Imagine you are about to embark on a hike along the Appalachian Trail, The Pacific Crest Trail, or Camino De Santiago De Compostela. You have trained for months, eaten all your veggies to lose those extra pounds, and freed up your calendar.

In the process of packing your gear with what you consider the essentials, you find that it feels like you’re wearing an elephant.

Where is your life over-packed and wearing you down? Where do you need to unclutter your head and heart and make more room for your truth?


What actions can and will you take today to live your truth even more fully?