make it hot

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”

-W.B. Yeats, 20th Century Irish Poet

Image from Flickr by Hans Splinter

Image from Flickr by Hans Splinter

Life Below Zero is a TV series on the National Geographic Channel. It highlights individuals and families living fulfilling and successful lives near and north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska.

Throughout each episode the temperature is indicated in the lower left corner of the screen, which, as the show title indicates, is often well below zero degrees Fahrenheit.

One would guess that they would be bundled up every moment, but that is not the case. It is amazing to see how often they remove their hats, gloves, and layers of clothing, because they generate considerable body heat as they engage in daily activities such as gathering wood and securing food in this rugged part of the world.


Where in your personal or professional world is it time to make your own irons hot by striking out with even greater initiative and effort?

Friday Review: Effort

Friday Review: EFFORT

How much effort do you put into your life or business? Here are a few effort-related posts you may have missed. Click on the Quote to read the full message:

“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”



QC #1011b


“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”



QC #1011c

“You can either throw in the towel, or use it to wipe your sweat.”

Weeds are Flowers Too

“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.”

-A.A. Milne, Author of Winnie the Poo

image from Flickr by Giovanni Orlando

image from Flickr by Giovanni Orlando

The dandelion is often considered a pesky weed popping up in our lawns each spring. We describe dandelions as “invasive,” as if they were an alien life form that must be eradicated from our lawns, parks, and ball fields.

When you learn a bit about dandelions, you discover their numerous health benefits, such as:

  • A great source of beta carotene which our bodies convert to vitamin A. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus.
  • They are a source of protein.
  • Dandelion greens are have been used to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and even depression.
  • People around the world ferment and enjoy dandelion wine.


Instead of weeds, let’s talk about people. Who are the “weedy” folks you would like to remove or eradicate from your life? What might be possible if, instead, you made efforts to get to know them better?


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not in fighting the old, but on building the new.”

—Socrates, Classic Greek Philosopher

image from

image from

When I consider the idea of fighting the old ways of doing things, I think of the phrase, whatever we resist persists. Notice how some of your own less-than-desirable habits or behaviors seem to stick around no matter how much you try to fight them off. The act of building things is much like a replacement strategy where we insert what we desire into our lives instead.


What would be the biggest difference in your personal or professional life if you stopped fighting the old and started building the new?

Hustle and Heart

“Hustle and heart will set you apart.”

—Alisa Jacobs, ‎Entertainment Marketing and PR Manager at Diageo

QC #883One of the things I enjoy about certain quotes is their catchiness and rhythm. That they also communicate a fundamental truth is critical. These factors generate a stickiness that allows us to carry them in our minds wherever we go.

Examine the levels of Heart and Hustle you currently bring to your personal and professional efforts. Notice that if your Heart is not in it, your level of Hustle will rarely be, either.


What adjustments can you make in your heartfelt attitudes and efforts to set you apart from your previous self and those around you?

“You can either throw in the towel…”

“You can either throw in the towel, or use it to wipe your sweat.”

—Author Unknown

Image from

Image from

When was the last time you had a really rigorous workout? You know, the kind that makes your muscles burn, makes you gasp for air, and drenches you in sweat?

Where do you, or have you, demonstrated similar efforts in your personal or professional life?

How often do you give things your all? With what frequency do you merely put in enough effort just to get by? How often do you throw in the towel and give up completely?


What are the key tasks or priorities in which you could dig deeper, make a stronger commitment, or break more of a sweat? 

With whom can you partner to coach, encourage, and challenge you to give these goals your very best?

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”

– Og Mandino, 20th Century American motivational author

Image from Flickr by symphony of love.

Image from Flickr by symphony of love.

Asking people to do their best, to seek excellence, on a key project or top priority seems like the ultimate cliché of coaching. Blogs, books, and quotes related to this simple idea abound.

What does doing your best truly mean? For most of us, it often seems impossible, given the image we have in our minds about how our “best” can look.

Consider the idea that we all have a “best continuum,” in which what we’re capable of varies depending on the day or time. Consider, too, that your actions are like planting seeds and tending a garden, where all efforts count and add up.


What does your best effort look like today? Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate yourself, knowing that the sum total of all your daily bests will bring you the harvest you seek.

The price of Anything

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”

– Henry David Thoreau, American author, philosopher and transcendentalist

QC #1011b

One of the first quotes I ever shared in The Quotable Coach series was “time is the coin of life” – how we spend our time and who we spend it with literally has a price.


Examine your life domains and ask yourself if each investment of your valuable life equity was worth it.

Consider making a few adjustments by doing more of some things, less of others, and starting a few new and interesting activities – and of course stopping those intolerable ones that you regret the most.

#113: “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little extra.”

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little extra.”

– Jimmy Johnson, football coach and broadcaster

Image from

Many years ago, I read a book called The Slight Edge, with the fundamental premise that the little extra makes a big difference in life.

In golf, it can be one stroke over the course of a four day tournament that wins the match. In a race, it can be a single step or fraction of a second that makes the difference. And in a horse race, we have all heard the phrase “winning by a nose.”


Where in your professional and personal life can you put forth that extra effort, to realize the extraordinary?

Choose this area now and tell someone close to you, so that you will receive the extra support you may need.

#106: “There is a giant asleep within everyone. When that giant awakens, miracles happen.”

– Frederick Faust, author

Is the giant within you fully asleep, taking a catnap, or just a bit drowsy these days?

What are some strategies to waken this giant to the status of full alert?

Consider the following ideas:

1. Identify the giants and leaders in your organization or community and practice similar behaviors.

2. Double your efforts on any worthwhile endeavor – and see what level of accomplishment results.

3. Cut the amount of time you give yourself to accomplish key tasks in half, to create greater urgency – and see what happens.


Send me your best ideas that you have used to create miracles in your professional and personal life. (Email me at

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