“Speak in such a way that others…”

“Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.”

—Author Unknown

Image from beyond.com

Image from beyond.com

One thing I know for sure is that quality relationships result when our focus is on others rather than ourselves.

Being interested rather than interesting will channel your listening and speaking skills, to help you successfully navigate your professional and personal worlds.


Choose your words today, so that they resonate at the frequency others hear and appreciate.  How can you tune into the messages and signals of those around you, so that you fully honor and show how important they are to you?

“The world is full of…”

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

—W.B. Yeats, Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature

Image from freger.weebly.com

Image from freger.weebly.com

Take a moment to examine your current ability to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell.

Did you know that:

      • A Silvertip Grizzly Bear can smell you from 18 miles away?
      • Jumping spiders can see four primary colors versus the three that humans see?
      • Some birds have an internal GPS that acts as a compass, to help them find their way home?
      • The bat uses echolocation to navigate and catch its supper?
      • Catfish have 10 times more taste buds than humans (100,000 versus 10,000)?


How can you capture more of the magic life has to offer by sharpening and focusing your senses? One way to develop these capacities is to focus on each sense separately, whenever possible.

“My brain has too many…”

“My brain has too many tabs open.”

—Author Unknown

Image from www.fastcompany.com

Image from www.fastcompany.com

Have you ever noticed what happens to your computer when you have a number of applications open at once? For most of us, the system either slows down considerably, or  locks up completely.

In much the same way, our brains work most optimally when they can focus on a single task at any given time. Unfortunately, society and life in general wants everything at once, which often generates considerable stress and other difficulties.


Reduce the number of open tabs in your brain by blocking out 15, 30, or 60 minute segments of your day for the most important and value-creating priorities. If possible, utilize the open brain tabs of those around you to accomplish even more by coaching them to use this technique.

“Answers are closed rooms…”

“Answers are closed rooms; and questions are open doors that invite us in.”

—Nancy Willard – American novelist and poet

image from sanfranciscoaudiophilesociety.com

image from sanfranciscoaudiophilesociety.com

Much of our current educational system has focused on students getting the correct answer. How else will you earn a perfect score on tests, the ACT and SAT exams, get into a good college or university, and achieve success?  And whose definition of success is it?

A more recent form of education tends to be far more focused on inquiry and experience-based learning. In this method, powerful questions open many different doors, inviting the learner to be an integral part of the educational process.


Identify a handful of powerful questions that will engage people more fully, professionally and personally. Share them with your family, friends, and colleagues.

Consider visiting the work of Michael Bungay Stainer, and many of his professional colleagues at http://www.boxofcrayons.biz/category/best-question/. There, you will discover some engaging and provocative questions to open more doors in your life.

“Create a life that feels good on the inside…”

“Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside.”

-Author Unknown

image from positivelyaging.org

image from positivelyaging.org

Many years ago, when Saturday Night Live was in its first years, there was a funny series of skits portrayed by Billy Crystal, titled “Fernando’s Hideaway.” His signature line was “You Look Mah-velous!”

With not a hair out of place, Fernando always says “I would rather look good than feel good, you know?” In our society today, we can observe this “looking good” approach to life success through the material, or status trappings many people pursue.

Alternatively, there has been a very significant journey inward for many people, where greater health, wisdom, and spiritual growth are increasingly valued and pursued.


Explore and take one action today that would enhance your mental, emotional, or spiritual worlds. Consider making this exercise a daily habit, and don’t be surprised if this inner work makes you look better on the outside, because you will be wearing considerably more smiles.

“The grass is greener where you water it.”

“The grass is greener where you water it.”

-Neil Barringham, Community Development Trainer

Photo from Flickr by Todd Morris

Photo from Flickr by Todd Morris

As we approach summer here in Michigan, many of my neighbors and I engage in the ritual of turning on our sprinkler systems to water our lawns and keep them green.

Unfortunately, the previous owner of my home put in the sprinkler system himself and used four zones in a yard that requires six.

This shortcoming results in brown spots and dead grass – areas that simply do not receive the water they require to grow and thrive.


Where would a bit more personal or professional “watering” in the upcoming days and months help you achieve the greenest, most lush life possible?

“Life is like a camera. Focus on…”

“Life is like a camera. Focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot.”

—Author Unknown

Photo from Flickr by Martijn van Exel

Photo from Flickr by Martijn van Exel

I like this quote so much as it is that I’m going to skip right to the exercise!


  1. What is of such importance today that you will give it your fullest attention and focus?
  2. How can you pace yourself today to fully capture all the good you experience?
  3. How can you embrace the “lessons learned” from any negatives or setbacks that may occur during the day?
  4. Finally, should your picture of things not turn out as you wish, determine how you will refocus your life lenses, add the light of a positive attitude, and take another shot in the direction of your choosing?

“My Sun Sets to Rise Again.”

“My sun sets to rise again.”

—Robert Browning, English poet and playwright

Photo from Flickr by Tomas Penalver

Photo from Flickr by Tomas Penalver

A student named Julio, asked to interpret Browning’s quote, said, “The sun sets to lay to rest what is done, and rises to give way to what is to come.”

That this quote begins with the word “my” causes me to focus within, to examine and reflect on the experience of my day, as well as the level of initiative I bring to it as I bound out of bed in the morning.

I find Julio’s interpretation beautiful and poetic. I also feel that Browning was challenging each of us to play a more active role in manifesting each day to the best of our abilities. He asks us to bask in the satisfaction of being an integral part of the rhythmic flow of our lives and the world.


Spend a few morning and evening minutes in thought, to capture your intention for the day to come, and reflections on the day that is done.

“It’s not always that we need to do more…”

“It’s not always that we need to do more, but rather that we need to focus on less.”

—Nathan W. Morris, Author & Personal Financial Expert

Photo from Flickr by M. Dales

Photo from Flickr by M. Dales

As part of my coaching process, I conduct behavioral, achievement, cognitive, and leadership surveys, in order to set a baseline of each individual’s approach toward achievement.

An initial exercise I share with my clients is called More, Less, Start, Stop, which allows them to sort their actions moving forward into one of the four categories. It is an exercise that many find easy to apply and manage in their daily lives.


Consider today’s quote. Where would giving more attention to fewer initiatives produce the greatest benefit in your personal or professional life?

Feel free to play around with different combinations of these four words, to discover even greater value in this exercise.

“Don’t try to teach a whole course in one lesson.”

“Don’t try to teach a whole course in one lesson.”

—Kathryn Murray, Ballroom Dancer

Photo from Flickr by Shaver Ross

Photo from Flickr by Shaver Ross

Two months into the new year and already I see a large number of people frustrated, slowed down, or completely stopped in the pursuit of their personal and/or professional goals.

One of the most common reasons for setbacks is the desire and attempt to do too much too quickly, which results in being overwhelmed, losing focus, and of course, a lack of the anticipated results.

It is appropriate, in such situations, to regroup and establish a new course of action with far fewer steps and far more finite and reasonable expectations.


Select one – and only one – important professional or personal project that is not going as you desire where you have tried to do too much too quickly.

Break this project into smaller, more digestible nuggets and spread them out over a longer time frame, to achieve the results you wanted the first time.