“What is the cost of getting it wrong? What are the payoffs of getting it right?”
—Author Unknown

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Are you a fan of Bill Gates? If you are—and even if you aren’t—please consider watching the new Netflix docu-series Inside Bill’s Brain. Among the many twists and turns in his personal and professional life is a unifying fact. Bill is a highly intelligent, life-long learner who wants to continue to make a positive difference with his life and the foundation he runs with his wife Melinda.
Highlighted in this series are his initiatives to eradicate polio, improve sewage conditions in developing countries, and the development of a cleaner, safer form of nuclear power.
Despite many challenges and setbacks faced on such monumental projects, he is clearly focused on the global payoffs of getting it right.
What is one significant project you have yet to start due to the fear of getting it wrong? What would be the payoff of getting it right?