“Don’t focus on only one growth path.”
—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Vladislav Babienko
To what degree are you a one-dimensional or multi-dimensional person?
Take a close look at how you spend your days and who you spend them with.
In which of these communities are you experiencing the greatest engagement and growth?
Alternatively, where do you feel stuck, stopped, or even regressing?
Over the past several months, some of my clients and many people in my professional networks have seen their growth thwarted. Many of us have had our cheese moved by the pandemic and its economic consequences. Many are exploring other options, or are engaged in what I like to call a dual strategy – pursuing alternative and supplemental career options.
Beyond the working world, many of them are also taking the time to invest in personal and professional growth efforts, to better themselves and others.
Consider purchasing Seth Godin’s book, The Bootstrapper’s Bible, to see how you might pursue the idea of starting and growing your own business. The book was originally written in 1998 and while a bit dated, contains many of the fundamentals to get you going.