“Happy millionaires do what they love.”

“Happy millionaires do what they love.”

—Ken Honda, Japan’s best selling zen millionaire

Image from Amazon

Someone once told me that money is a scoreboard for value. A second concept that I’ve taken to heart is: “Time is the Coin of Life.”

How are you spending your time, and what value are you creating in the world?

What is your current level of happiness and life satisfaction?

Research has proven time and again that intrinsic motivation – that based on deeply held values and beliefs – creates far more sustainable and lasting rewards than any external scoreboard could measure.


Consider taking a look at Ken Honda’s work, including his book, Happy Money. Lynn Twist’s book, The Soul of Money, is another excellent resource to help you live a more richly rewarding life.

“Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.”

“Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.”

—Austin O’Malley, 20th Century ophthalmologist and professor

image from Unsplash by Paz Arando

Who are the people in your personal and professional communities who experience the most Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)?

And those who seem to be always gazing over their neighbor’s fence to view what appears to be a greener, better manicured lawn?

To what degree do their comparisons and potential envy sap their happiness and satisfaction with life?

How do these questions apply to you?


Where would the quiet eye of looking more fully at the richness of your world help you harvest greater happiness?

“The grand essentials to happiness in this life are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

“The grand essentials to happiness in this life are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

—George Washington Burnap, 20th Century Unitarian clergyman

Image from Unsplash by Tyler Nix

Thank you for being a loyal member of the Quotable Coach community!

May you and those you love have all the grand essentials to happiness during this holiday season and throughout the new year.

Most sincerely,


“It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.”

“It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.”

—Arthur Schopenhauer, 19th Century German Philosopher

Image from Amazon.com

Can you recall any of the words from Madonna’s song, Material Girl? If you do remember a few words, I bet you can also recall the melody.

We do live in a material world in which dealing with our day-to-day physical environment is essential. For most people, life is filled with highs and lows, with varying levels of happiness along the way.

A surprising thing happens when we periodically move beyond or perhaps better said, within, to examine, discover, and explore our spiritual and soulful selves.


Beyond deepening your own spiritual practices, consider exploring the journey toward greater happiness within by reading, and studying the book, Toward a Meaningful Life. Perhaps discuss it with others in your life who are also ready for a deeper look around.

“If you can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness.”

“If you can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Copper and Wild

When was the last time you tried to cheer someone up? When was the last time your friends and family tried to pencil a bit of happiness into your world?

Although well intentioned, many of these efforts don’t do the trick and can sometimes backfire, leaving others feeling worse. In such cases, perhaps a “less is more” approach can act as an eraser to lighten the burden.


Where and with whom could your simple presence, care, and a loving shoulder to lean on be the way to support those experiencing sadness or loss?

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”

—Henry David Thoreau, 19th Century American philosopher and essayist

Image from Unsplash by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen

Who are the happiest people you know?

I’m not talking about celebrities or even those folks who smear their seemingly perfect lives all over social media. I’m talking about those you truly know who navigate the waves of life pretty darn well.

As you explore the lives of these special people, you may notice that they spend far less time than most dwelling on the past, or being overly contemplative about their future. They all seem to take life in stride and make the most of their present moments until the next arrives.


How can and will you find your own eternity by being more fully present and launching yourself into the moment-to-moment waves of life?

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed…”

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

—Denis Waitley, American motivational speaker

Image from Unsplash by Constantinos Panagopoulos

Did you know that Harvard University has a course on happiness?

Think about it.

The students of one of the most prestigious universities in the world want to learn what’s involved in living a happy life, and don’t want to wait for some day down the road to begin their journey.

The fact that extrinsic recognition, rewards, and accomplishments alone never seem to do the trick is surprising to many people. It is our inner journey and the pursuit of intrinsic factors that provides the fulfillment we all seek.


Please pick up a copy of the book Happier, by Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD, which provides the backbone information for Harvard’s most popular course.

You can also look into the work of Martin Seligman, PhD, author of Authentic Happiness, for additional guidance into living a happier life.

“Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.”

“Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.”

—John Harrigan, writer, director and performer

Image from Unsplash by Yuriy Garnaev

Did you know that Norway is considered one of the happiest places on the planet? The CNN special Chasing Life, hosted by Dr. Sanji Gupta, recently highlighted a small town 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

Despite the frigid temperatures and the complete darkness November through January, most people interviewed described themselves as a 9 or 10 on the Happiness Scale.

A critical component to their happiness was the focus on the level of family and community engagement.

In Norway, after the birth of a child, a parent receives 80% of their wages and a full year off of work to focus on raising the child. If they choose to take off only ten months, they receive 100% of their wages.


Where can and will you plant the seeds of happiness in your community gardens, so that you can share the flowers of happiness with those you care about and love?

Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done

“Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.”

—David Goggins, American ultramarathon runner

image of David Goggins running

Image of David Goggins from Madbarz

A job well done is a wonderful phrase, whether said by us, or a respected colleague.
The power and satisfaction of completing something big or small has a way of releasing lots of those “feel good” hormones associated with happiness, pleasure, and overall life satisfaction.

On the other hand, consider all those half-done, in-process projects in either your personal or professional worlds – especially the ones that don’t quite light you up with enthusiasm. What emotions and feelings are associated with these matters? How often do you stop your efforts due to some level of fatigue or frustration, or perhaps procrastinate and decide to get back to these efforts later rather than sooner?


Where and on what priority matter could you use the experience of being tired as a trigger or catalyst to dig deeper into your own grit and persistence to “get’er done”?

One of life’s small pleasures is to return something to its proper place

“One of life’s small pleasures is to return something to its proper place.”

—Gretchen Rubin, American author and speaker

Image of tools properly aligned

Image from Unsplash by Florian Klauer

I am an Amazon Prime subscriber. One of my most common purchases, as you may know from reading The Quotable Coach blog, is books.

One of the criteria I use to confirm my instincts about a purchase is the number of high review scores on Amazon.

To receive over one hundred is respectable; over 500 is quite significant. To have over 1,000 is remarkable given the abundance of books and our reasonably short span of interest.

The book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” has over 13,000 reviews. Over 80% of them are four or five star ratings. They must be on to something!


Where and in what ways could bringing a bit more order into your world increase your life satisfaction and happiness? Of course, please investigate the excellent work by Gretchen Rubin, including The Happiness Project, which has over 1,600 reviews, of which 79% are four or five stars.