I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side

“I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side.”

—Elon Musk, entrepreneur, investor, and business magnate

Image from Unsplash by Ravi Patel

I’ve recently noticed more and more people in my communities simplifying their lives as they age. Entropy causes both people and things to fall apart, and it takes considerable energy and effort to keep things in working order. With this in mind and with the hands of time always turning, we get to choose where to focus our energies to keep our most essential life elements going and slow entropy’s inevitable victory.


What essential infrastructure projects in your life are getting the most attention and energy? Where do the issues of health and quality relationship stand on your list of priorities? What other areas are most important to maintain in good working order for as long as possible?

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

Michael Pollan

Image from Unsplash by Diana Polekhina

Did you do it again this year? Have you announced to the world or perhaps just spoke quietly to yourself that this is the year you will definitely lose weight and get in better shape? Physical distancing and working from home these past two years have made this goal extra challenging.

The quote above sounds so simple but as we all know it is far from easy. Countless external and internal factors can cause us to slip, slide, and fall off our health habits around mid-February only to promise ourselves to give it another go tomorrow, next week, after a vacation we deserve, or next January.


Check out Ju Young Kim’s impressive article entitled Optimal Diet Strategies for weight loss and weight lost maintenance.  I will be happy to send you a copy — email me at barry@dempcoaching.com. If time is limited, just post today’s quote on your fridge.

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

Michael Pollan

Image from Unsplash by Diana Polekhina

Did you do it again this year? Have you announced to the world or perhaps just spoken quietly to yourself that this is the year you will definitely lose weight and get in better shape? Physical distancing and working from home these past two years have made this goal extra challenging.

The quote above sounds so simple but as we all know it is far from easy. Countless external and internal factors can cause us to slip, slide, and fall off our health habits around mid-February only to promise ourselves to give it another go tomorrow, next week, after a vacation we deserve, or next January.


Check out Ju Young Kim’s impressive article entitled Optimal Diet Strategies for weight loss and weight lost maintenance. I will be happy to send you a copy if you email me at barry@dempcoaching.com. If time is limited, just post today’s quote on your fridge.

“If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit would never grow old.”

“If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit would never grow old.”

—James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States

Image from Unsplash by Pelayo Arbués

How old are you? How old do you feel? When you look in the mirror how many more wrinkles do you see compared to last year? What strategies do you use to slow down the hourglass of time?

Looking for the fountain of youth is a preoccupation for many, and potions, lotions, superfood strategies, exercise machines, and cosmetic surgery are very big business.

Books such as Younger Next Year and Real Age even promise the 44 scientific strategies to be up to 25 years younger biologically than you are chronologically.

This past year, I’ve noticed a significant shift in many people toward discovering and nurturing the inner beauty and spirit that, when exercised, remains ever youthful.


Have a conversation with folks that wear a few more wrinkles and have a bit more pep in their step than you. Inquire into the strategies they recommend to remain young at heart and bright in spirit.

“The secret of prolonging life consists of not shortening it.”

“The secret of prolonging life consists of not shortening it.”

—Ernst, Baron von Feuchtersleben, 19th Century Austrian physican/philosopher

Image from Amazon.com

Undo it: How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Disease by Dean and Anne Ornish is a worthy read for anyone wishing to live a longer and healthier life.

As pioneers of lifestyle medicine, Dean and Anne demonstrate – with substantial scientific evidence – that diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and even the aging process itself can be impacted.

His 72-hour program, which includes exercise, nutrition, stress-reduction, and what he refers to as loving more, has been so successful that it is now covered by Medicare and other major insurance companies.


Please watch this short video by Dr. Des Harrington, and consider upgrading your own efforts to put more years in your life and life in your years.

“Laugh and world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.”

“Laugh and world laughs with you. Snore and you sleep alone.”

—Anthony Burgess, English author of A Clockwork Orange

Image from stopsnoring.com

Do you or your life partner snore? How often do you give or receive a nudge or a comment to shift your position and silence the racket emanating from your nose or mouth?

Today’s technology has come to the rescue with all sorts of gadgets, including noise-cancelling ear plugs, mouth guards, and of course, the ever popular c-pap machine.

It turns out snoring is often a symptom of a partially or completely closed airway during sleep, which can potentially create serious health consequences, including pulmonary hypertension.


If you or others in your life shake the airwaves and wake those around you, please consider discussing it with your physician. A more peaceful and potentially healthier night’s sleep awaits you!

“Don’t get your fuel from the same place your car does.”

“Don’t get your fuel from the same place your car does.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Mehluli Hikwa

Far too many of us are living in overdrive, trying to squeeze in one or more “to-do’s” in our days. Of course, our vehicles as well as our bodies need periodic refueling, so that we have the energy to get where we are going.

Over the last few decades, smart marketers took advantage of these overdrive trends and created the mini-mart that sells fuel along with all sorts of junk food with the shelf life of radioactive carbon.

Who hasn’t found themselves sometimes using their car as a dinner table, producing an occasional stained shirt, or at least crumbs on the seat?


What would be the benefit to your waistline and your overall health if you developed the habit of packing your own foods for most if not all of your road trips?

What tasty and healthier choices will go into your portable cooler, to enjoy a break in your day?

“You cannot outrun your fork.”

“You cannot outrun your fork.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Google

Over the first two weeks of September, Wendy and I had a bucket list adventure with friends. This included visiting Greece, and a 10-day cruise titled “Extreme Israel.”

On most days we walked, hiked, and even climbed around ancient sites and got in plenty of steps.

Upon arriving back on the ship, we were treated to top-notch cuisine provided by the Azamara Cruise Line staff. As you might guess, our forks more than made up for our extreme daily effort, resulting in a few extra pounds and some tighter-fitting clothing!


How can you more fully optimize the balance of your nutritional and exercising efforts to improve your health and remain active for many adventurous years to come?

“Enjoy life to the fullest – it has an expiration date.”

“Enjoy life to the fullest — it has an expiration date.”

—Author Unknown

Image from SupermarketNews

When was the last time you went grocery shopping?

What strategies do you use to select the freshest and healthiest foods for yourself and your loved ones? If you are like me, you check the expiration dates or “best if used by” dates on items such as meats, dairy products, and other packaged goods.

Master shoppers, of course, always dig a bit further back or down on the shelves, knowing all stores rotate their newest shipments toward the rear and place foods that are sooner to expire up front.


Given your current life expiration date extending strategies, and the wonders of modern medicine, how can you improve your efforts to add many more years to your life, and of course, far more life to your years?

It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society

“It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

—Jiddu Krisnamurti, 20th Century Indian philosopher, speaker and writer

Image of a woman wearing a surgical mask

Image from Unsplash by Ani Kolleshi

How healthy are you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? What daily habits, rituals, and practices do you engage in to optimize your well-being?

What factors do you consider when you evaluate the health of your local, state, national, and global communities? To what degree do they require a rigorous annual physical, and a health optimization plan for the years ahead?

Unfortunately and to a certain degree, we all can be a bit selfish in that we tend to prioritize our inner worlds and our local environments to protect, insulate, and secure ourselves from the considerable negative and sick elements of society.


Where and in what ways can you more fully optimize the health of both your inner and outer worlds? What would be possible if all people on our beautiful planet did this as well?