“Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.”
—H. Jackson Browne, Jr., Author of Life’s Little Instruction Book

Image from Unsplash by Jon Tyson
The human heart is an extraordinary organ. Weighing about ten ounces, this fist-sized miracle pumps life-giving oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies, without missing a beat.
The heart, like our brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field. The electrocardiogram (ECG) has a field more than 60 times greater (based on amplitude) than brain waves generate in an electroencephalogram (EEG).
Some researchers believe that this electromagnetic field can code and connect individuals beyond our five senses, potentially transmitting and exchanging both positive and negative energies.
How would viewing life from a more heartfelt perspective help you see more of the invisible wonders of life?
You may wish to explore the work of the Heart Math Institute to see what they have been working on for over 25 years.