“Set your life on Fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”
—Rumi, 13th century Persian Poet

Photo from freehdw.com
Most people and many organizations embark on a fresh and inspired start at the beginning of each new year. Without question, you can feel the flames of their purpose and passions. Unfortunately, many of those fires are smoldering embers by now, or may be extinguished altogether.
Rumi knew long ago about the critical component that social support can provide to help keep those inspired flames alive. The engagement of social support from friends, family, co-workers, mentors, and coaches is like an insurance policy that boosts the odds of successful outcomes many fold.
Where would seeking and securing additional social support keep your personal or professional fires burning?
Where can and will you fan the flames of those you care about to return the favor?
One of my favorite books that emphasizes this critical idea is Influencer: The Power to Change Anything by Kerry Patterson, and Joseph Grenny.