Tears of joy are like the summer raindrops pierced by sunbeams

“Tears of joy are like the summer raindrops pierced by sunbeams.”

Hosea Ballou, 19th Century American clergyman

Image from Unsplash by Hanna Morris

When was the last time you experienced tears of joy?

Who was present and what occasion or event precipitated this precipitation?

For me, it all started with pizza night at our daughter’s home.

During dinner, my 5 year old grandson Weston introduced me to a new word he learned —informing me that his room was “a disaster.”

Since we usually head upstairs to play on my visits, I suggested he take 5-10 minutes to clean up and proudly show off his speedy efforts.

Our daughter Rachel and little Ella (21 months) joined in the fun to everyone’s delight.

Being an old softy, I couldn’t help tearing up and laughing at the sight of these little ones playing with me and their wonderful mom.


Who are the people who pierce the raindrops of your life with sunbeams?

Please feel free to reply to this post with one of your own joyful moments.

“Learning and laughter work nicely together.”

“Learning and laughter work nicely together.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Lucas Lenzi

We’ve all heard the phrase, Laughter is the best medicine. I’ve found that there is considerable support that humor and laughter enhance our ability to learn.

Cognitively, laughter stimulates the brain regions important for complex and abstract thinking, increases attention, improves memory, and increases conceptual understanding.

Even a few chuckles activate brain growth hormones and increase our reward centers via dopamine.

Emotionally, laughter provides a sense of empowerment and control, improves self-esteem, restores hope and boosts energy. It also reduces many stress-related conditions that often make learning difficult.

Psychologically, laughter improves respiration and mental functioning through increased levels of catecholamine.

It is no surprise that many highly successful and popular educators are blending a bit of stand-up comedy, engaging storytelling, and performing arts into their teaching styles.


Where and how can the inclusion of more humor support learning for you and others in you communities? My grandkids will tell you When you make things fun, stuff gets done.

The best kind of laughter is laughter born of a shared memory

“The best kind of laughter is laughter born of a shared memory.”

Mindy Kaling, American actress, comedian, screenwriter, and producer

Image from Unsplash by Surface

How familiar are you with the work of Carol Burnett? If you are a boomer like me, you made a point to never miss her variety show during her eleven-year run near the top of the TV ratings.

Her work was definitely family friendly, and I can vividly recall all of us crowding around our single TV to laugh together until our sides hurt.

A few weeks ago, Wendy and I got to relive many of these hilarious moments as a star-studded group of her friends got together to celebrated Carol’s 90th birthday.

The closing song on her show always began: I’m so glad we had this time together, just to have a laugh and sing a song……


Take a few minutes to recall some of your own laugh-filled memories. Note the people who shared these belly laughs and happy times and consider giving them a call to reminisce.

“With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, If I did not laugh I should die.”

“With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, If I did not laugh I should die.”

—Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

Abraham Lincoln, February 1865. Alexander Gardner/Library of Congress

Honest Abe, The Rail-Splitter, and The Great Emancipator were three nicknames given to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States.

He is best known for his efforts to preserve the Union during the Civil War, and brought about the emancipation of enslaved people.

Unknown to many, Lincoln fought clinical depression all of his life, and if he were alive today, his condition would most likely be treated as a “character issue” and a finite political liability. Many believe that his own internal battle with many personal and political strains gave him the extraordinary character and will to accomplish all that he did.


Where and how does laughter and a sense of humor help you navigate your own fearful strains and rough seas of life?

How, like Lincoln, can you bring more of this essential resource into your own life, to help you achieve your own fullest potential?

“Good humor is a tonic for mind and body…”

“Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.”

—Grenville Kleiser, 20th Century Professor at Yale University

Image from Unsplash by Gemma Chua-Tran

To what degree do you feel the need for healing? What stresses and strains have been put on you, your family, and your world this past year?

What tonics and remedies have you tried to reduce the pain and lighten your burdens?

While we continue to try various elixirs and await the day we’ve all received COVID vaccines, how can you add a booster shot of good humor and daily chuckles to your various communities?


This link will take you to a variety of past Quotable Coach posts on this approach to better your world.

Please let me know how this strategy works for you!

“A good laugh recharges your battery.”

“A good laugh recharges your battery.”

—Jennifer E. Garza, author of the book by the same title

Image from Unsplash by Omar Lopez

Take a close look at the state of the world. Begin by zooming out for a big-picture view, then zoom in to your own communities, family, and lastly, to yourself. Explore the numbers factors that have and are depleting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies.

Take another look at how and in what ways you renew and recharge yourself to take on each new day.

How have you included adequate rest, proper nutrition, daily exercise, hobbies, time with family and friends, and mindfulness efforts into your days?

Where and to what extent have you intentionally brought greater humor and laughter to recharge and reboot your world?

Recently, I have been asking my digital assistant to tell me a joke. Although the jokes are often corny, I do find a few more chuckles that boost my mood and raise the corners of my mouth.


Please reply to this post with a few laughter-inducing activities that recharge your batteries.