It takes a big person to acknowledge and apologize

It takes a big person to acknowledge and apologize for their mistakes. Hiding them doesn’t serve anyone.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Sarah Kilian

No one likes to make mistakes. This is especially true when our errors are observed and most notably negatively impact the lives of others.

How often have you tried to hide your missteps and dodge responsibility for your part in things going wrong?

In these days, where nothing ever seems to remain a secret for long, covering things up always ends poorly.

Beyond the potential public embarrassment that might await us, there is always the personal cost we all pay for the guilt and shame we often experience when we come up short of our espoused values and intentions.


Where in your world are you trying to hide a mistake from others?

How can and will you be a bigger person by acknowledging and apologizing for your errors, and enhance the quality of your relationships with others in your personal and professional communities?