Sometimes a short walk down memory lane

“Sometimes a short walk down memory lane is all it takes to appreciate where you are today.”

Susan Gale, author, karaoke fan and pet guru

Image from Unsplash by Clem Onojeghuo

Music is a time machine for me.

I can distinctly remember Sunday mornings — in my youth — as the time every radio in the house played Frank Sinatra while my mom did the week’s laundry.

The laborious process of sorting, washing, drying and ironing was made more enjoyable as the family took numerous trips from the basement to the first and second floors of our row house where everything was put neatly in their place.

As my mom aged her memory began faltering, which added to other challenges she faced while getting older. One strategy we would use to brighten her days was to play her music which had the miraculous power to transport her back to her younger years of greater vibrancy and vitality.


What are some of the ways that trigger you to take short walks down memory lane?

How do these periodic visits to the past help you more fully appreciate how far you have come over the years?

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”

⏤Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese Philosopher

Image of musical notation against splashes of color

Image from

If you were a musical instrument, which one would you be? If nothing comes to mind immediately, consider your favorite artist to see what instruments get your toes tapping, body moving, or has you singing along.

Consider your values, beliefs, and most cherished qualities and abilities as aspects of your soul. How often and how loudly do you express these in your personal and professional worlds?


How and in what ways can you more fully broadcast your own soulful music throughout the universe?

“All it takes is one song…”

“All it takes is one song to bring back 1,000 memories.”

—Author Unknown

Photo from Flickr by  Gordon Marino

Photo from Flickr by Gordon Marino

I’m a big fan of satellite radio. In the States, we have Sirius XM. I like that it is commercial free, that I can receive the signal wherever I may be driving, and that I can select the programming that suits my taste at the moment.

Last summer, I took a road trip back east with my wife Wendy and my father Marvin. The trip is well over 600 miles and can take anywhere from 11 to 14 hours depending on traffic and rest stops. Each of us had a favorite station. Mine was Watercolors, which highlights contemporary jazz. Wendy prefers The Bridge, which plays folk rock and music of the 60s and 70s, and my dad takes many trips down memory lane listening to Seriously Sinatra.


Select your favorite CD, radio station, or satellite channel today. Listen, and allow any memories that may rise to surface. Consider doing this exercise with someone close to you to bring back some of their most cherished times.

Please feel free to reply to this post with a short list of your favorite songs, and the memories they stir up in you.