Friday Review: Patience

Friday Review: Patience

How would you rate your level of patience on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own.”




“My experience of life is what I agree to attend to.”





“You can only untie one knot at a time.”





Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.”

William S. Burroughs, 20th Century American writer and visual artist

Image from Unsplash by Drew Coffman

Many people treat life decisions like a game show.

When posed with a critical question, they feel that they must buzz in with an immediate answer. If these answers aren’t instantly available, they often give up and move on to some easier ones.

Rarely does operating this way result in any significant insight or growth.

Taking our time and patiently wrestling with our more challenging issues is a proven method of building our mental muscles and resilience.


Where would a more relaxed and patient approach to life’s questions offer you more and better answers to the significant issues facing you?

Bring patience to your path. See each step as progress and move forward at your own pace.

Bring patience to your path. See each step as progress and move forward at your own pace.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Tamara Manzi

Many people operate at a fast pace in almost everything they do these days.

How fast do you talk, walk, eat, and drive?

What are some of the benefits of moving in the fast lane?

What are the negative consequences of always being in a hurry?

For many of us, our pace is ingrained and set on auto pilot with only modest awareness.

How might a slower and more patient pace of living offer hidden benefits?

Where would a steady as she goes approach help you arrive more safely and sanely to your desired destinations?


Where in your life would a slow is smooth and smooth is fast approach make the biggest difference?

Where can and will you bring greater patience to your path beginning today?

My experience of life is what I agree to attend to

“My experience of life is what I agree to attend to.”

William James, 19th Century American philosopher, historian, and psychologist

Image form Unsplash by Fábio Lucas

How do you spend your days?

Who do you spend them with?

How agreeable and satisfied are your answers to these questions?

To what degree do you feel free to attend to your days as you desire?

How is your ability to choose your path blocked by factors outside of your control?

I recently reached a meditation milestone of 1400 consecutive days—the mindfulness exercises have been of significant value to my life off the cushion.

Building greater acceptance, patience, and compassion, and being more equanimous with life as it unfolds have been bonuses to my initial efforts to be less stressed, and grow calmer.


What steps can and will you take in the coming days to enhance your experience of life, and that to which you attend?

Impatience is an argument with reality

“Impatience is an argument with reality.”

—Sue Heatherington,

Image from Unsplash by Erik Wits

A few weeks ago, Wendy and I were scheduled to attend a sweetheart dance beginning at 5:30 PM. As the clock approached our time to leave for this event, the skies opened up with a torrent of rain. I pride myself on being on time or early, so I forged out the door — umbrella in hand — to fulfill our commitment.

Needless to say, my impatience soaked me anyway, especially my feet which provided a sock-squishing reminder throughout the dance. To my surprise and dismay, the rain stopped completely the moment we arrived!


When do you find yourself arguing with reality?

Where has the lack of patience caused you more trouble than a pair of soggy socks?

Where would a good dose of equanimity serve you best?

I am as all mortals are unable to be patient

“I am, as all mortals are, unable to be patient.”

—Pablo Neruda, 20th Century Chilean Nobel Prize Poet

Image from Unsplash by Julien L

My grandson Weston loves to watch TV, especially when he is learning something new. The options for both learning and entertainment these days seem limitless. I find his ability to keep a laser focus on most occasions remarkable.

Many of his favorite programs are found on YouTube, which inserts ads if you are not a premium customer. Upon seeing these ads, he promptly says “Skip It,” not wanting to wait even the 5 seconds to hit the link for the show to resume.

Where in your personal and professional worlds do you find yourself edgy and impatient with the pace of things? How do you behave when you desire to get back to the good stuff of what you consider important and urgent?


What are the payoffs and benefits of your impatience?

Where is there a cost or some considerable downside to skipping things that are truly important in your life?

“Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.”

“Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Christopher Lemercier

Winters in Michigan can be pretty cold and overcast. Not much is blooming these days, and it felt like we missed spring and summer altogether in 2020.

How has the past year treated you?

Where did things continue to bloom, and where did your world seem cloud-covered and cold?

Just as the earth continues to circle the sun, we must accept the seasons of life as they come, and do what we can to keep the seeds of the coming season ready for planting.


Where is greater patience with yourself and world most needed?

What steps can you take today to prepare for the flowers and fruits of the future?

“You can only untie one knot at a time.”

“You can only untie one knot at a time.”

Image from Unsplash by Joshua Hoehne

Each morning I lace up my New Balance sneakers to take my 45-minute walk. Since the beginning of the pandemic, walking has become my go-to form of exercise, and a key for me to reduce stress and maintain my sanity.

The act of tying my shoes to the proper tightness occurs habitually. Moments later I’m off into the great outdoors with arms and legs in unison. Taking in the sights and sounds, practicing gratitude and greeting my fellow walkers are bonuses.

When I untie my shoes upon my return, it is pretty common to experience a knot in one or both laces. Although I experience some frustration due to the delay, I am also thankful for my opposable thumbs and the level of dexterity needed to release the knots.


Where are you currently experiencing a few knotty areas in your life?

How can you more patiently untie them, one at a time, as you navigate your day?