Friday Review: Reflection


How often do you step outside your routine just to reflect on your life? Here are a few reflection-related posts you may have missed. Click the links to read the full message.


“It’s on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way.”





“My sun sets to rise again.”





“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”




To Read Without Reflection

“To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”

—Edmund Burke, 18th Century Irish Statesman


Image of a man following text with a pen in hand

Image from Flickr by Sebastien Wiertz

Think back to your biology or life science classes in high school. How much do you recall about the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, or in the case of today’s quote, the digestive system?

The journey a single bite of food takes from our mouth, into and through the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and colon takes somewhere between 18 and 24 hours.

What do you think would happen if the length of digestion time were cut in half, and food was processed in 9 to 12 hours instead? What percent of the vital nutrients would be available to nourish our bodies?

Consider speed reading, executive book summaries, the classic CliffNotes or Monarch notes – and even Twitter – as ways we short-cut the learning process. What valuable nuggets of wisdom are being missed or lost through the use of short-cuts?


Where specifically would greater reflection on the materials you are currently reading make the biggest difference?

Consider re-reading one of your most highly prized and valuable books from your past. Read it slowly, with the intent of digesting and teaching the most important lessons to a class composed of people you know would benefit the most.

Please let me know which book you would re-read, and what you discovered in the process.

Friday Review: Reflection


Do you give yourself adequate time for reflection each day? Here are a few reflection-related posts you may have missed. Click on the links to read the full message.


“It’s on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way.”





“I have always tried to make room for anything that wanted to come to me from within.”





“The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy. They come when the mind is still, when silence speaks loudest.”





The answers inside you

“Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you; you only have to become quiet enough to hear them.”

—Debbie Ford, author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

Quiet Zone sign

Image from Pinterest

Take a moment to reflect on your day so far.

How much quietness, peace, serenity, and tranquility have you experienced? On the other hand, how much stress, chaos, multi-tasking, and general noise have you experienced?

If you have plenty of quiet time, you are one of the lucky ones who have time to think and reflect on the important questions life may be asking.

If your life fits more with the second category, you may be unable to hear yourself think.


Find a special location in both your personal and professional worlds to spend just ten minutes per day in quiet reflection, to discover the important answers to the questions life is asking.

Friday Review Reflection


Do you give yourself adequate time for reflection? Here are a few reflection-related posts you may have missed. Click on the links to read the full messages:

Image of a candle

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”




image of a sunset


“My sun sets to rise again.”




image of a second chance road sign


“Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called ‘tomorrow.’”




Life is like photography

“Life is like photography. You use the negatives to develop.”

—Author Unknown

Image of a negative/postive signpost

Image from

Many people ignore, suppress, or try to run away from the negatives in life. If you, too, utilize this strategy, try being a bit more like a photographer.

Consider how the best at this craft capture the extraordinary pictures, the ones that “WOW” us. Examine their observatory and reflective skills, their understanding of light and shadow, and other aspects of photography that bring out the brilliance of each shot.


How can you more fully examine and reflect on the negatives in your world to develop and have an even more wonderful life?

Be There for Others

“Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.”

-Dodinsky, New York Times bestselling author

QC #925

Some of the most frequent coaching assignments I engage in are focused on leadership development. The volume of resources on this subject is staggering, which points to the universal desire and need for this very important skill.

Much has been written in recent years about servant leadership, in which a high priority is placed on serving key stakeholders such as customers and of course, employees. Sometimes so much attention is placed on others that the leader can overlook or completely miss their own needs. Yet, they must attend to themselves if they are to serve others at the highest level.


In what way do you need to satisfy your own needs so that you can serve others in your personal and professionals lives?

Make yourself worth knowing

“Don’t worry so much about knowing the right people. Just make yourself worth knowing.”

–Author Unknown

QC #910A number of years ago I read a book by Dr. Wayne Baker from the University of Michigan titled Achieving Success Through Social Capital. A key take-away from this well-researched book was that, without question, relationships are valuable.

We have all heard phrases such as, It’s not what you know, but who you know, that counts, pointing to the power of being connected to these centers of influence and super-connectors. One challenge with the advent of social media and the huge demands it puts on our time is that getting to know the “right people” can be difficult.

Today’s quote suggest that instead of the old push or pursuit strategy to meet these individuals, we instead work on ourselves to attract and pull people to us and the value they perceive we provide.


What one or two qualities or abilities could you more fully develop in yourself to make yourself an even more desirable person worth knowing?

“Life always offers you…”

“Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called ‘tomorrow.’”

-Author Unknown

image from

image from

I’d like you to consider reading today’s quote twice.

Consider for the moment that today is one of the most important days of your life. Everyone important to you watches intently as you give it your all. If you are also a spiritual or faith-based person, know that your “higher power” is paying close attention as well.

Fast forward to the end of the day. Review the quote again and reflect on how you lived your day and the difference you made. Answer the question in today’s exercise before you head off to sleep.


What second-chance efforts will I make tomorrow, based on what I discovered and learned today?

“Respect yourself enough to walk away…”

“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”

-Robert Tew, Australian, Chairman at Newcastle Knights Limited

Image from Flickr by Oleg Sidorenko

Image from Flickr by Oleg Sidorenko

Today’s quote is a pretty good barometer for progressing in life. Mr. Tew calls on us to fully open our eyes and hearts to determine what is and is not working at this point in time.

Take the opportunity to dig deeply into the ideas of service, growth, and happiness to not take the simple way out of your evolving self. Then, and only, then, make a beeline for the door!


Where in your personal or professional life is it time to walk away from certain people, events, or circumstances, in order to gain greater self-respect?