Life is a bank account

“Business and life are like a bank account. You can’t take out more than you put in.”

—William Feather, 20th Century American Writer and Publisher

image of a piggy bank with a gas meter on it

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When you were little did you have a piggy bank in which to save for that special something you desired? Did you have chores or another way of investing efforts to earn more and add more to your small fortune?

When I entered school we were all encouraged to start a savings account. We would grow our tidy sums with the promise of a bonus—called “interest”—that would add even more.

Today, most of us contribute to our IRAs, 401Ks, and other investment vehicles, in order to grow our net worth and provide the financial security and independence we all desire.


Where and in what ways can you invest your personal and professional efforts to reap the compounded interest of a life focused on giving and contributing to others?

seeds of greatness

“The seeds of greatness grow faster in the hearts of those doing work they love.”

—Brendon Burchard, American Motivational Author

Image of hand holding seeds of greatness

Image from Flickr by Elis Alves

I recently read Adam Grant’s book, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success.

Adam is an award-winning researcher, and Wharton’s highest rated professor. Among the many important forces he discovered through his extensive research is the critical elements of relationships, and their impact on success.

He discovered that people operate as takers, matchers, or givers, resulting in various degrees of success based on whether the focus is on oneself or others.

Giving, it turns out, especially in work that people truly enjoy and makes a meaningful contribution, seems to be most highly correlated with the greatest levels of success.


How and in what ways can you start or do more of the work you love, so that you reap an even greater harvest in your professional and personal lives?

A Second Chance

“Your first impression remains—but you can revise your opinion. Look once again and give someone a second chance!”

—Laurent F. Carrel, Messages from Melanie

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Most of us are familiar with the adage, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Unfortunately, people come to rapid decisions based on their initial perceptions, which happens in mere seconds.

Today’s quote suggests that we all have the power to offer anyone a “do over,” the opportunity to shift our view of them to something far more positive and favorable.


Where would there be great value in offering others a second chance, personally or professionally?

Where could you ask those who do not perceive you as you desire for a “do over” as well?

To Profit from Good Advice

“To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.”

—John Churton Collins, Literary Critic

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I put significant focus on an individual’s self-awareness when I begin a new coaching engagement. To do this, I introduce an “inner voice” exercise, in which the person pays close attention to:

  • What their inner voice is saying,
  • Determining if this voice is supportive or critical,
  • Determining how open and receptive they are to the thoughts of others.

Most people discover that when they look for the value and contribution in what others say, they reap greater rewards and boost their relationships.


How and in what ways can you shift your own “inner voice” to receive more good advice and wisdom from others?

See Their Magic

“To love a person is to see all of their magic and to remind them of it when they have forgotten.”

— Author Unknown

Image from Flickr by Linus Bohman

Image from Flickr by Linus Bohman

As part of my signature Personal Excellence Training, I spend an entire day with my client, getting to know them well and fully understanding their vision, values, and goals. This investment of time creates a special partnership called coaching, in which, over time, the magic of each individual is discovered and enhanced.

Throughout this coaching journey, most people experience setbacks and doubts about themselves, and their capacity to achieve their most cherished goals. We all need a committed and loving supporter to remind us of our magic when difficult times cause us to forget.


How can you demonstrate your love and caring for others by seeing their magic and reminding them of it when they forget?

Who are the caring people in your personal or professional worlds who could play this role for you?

Leadership is the Bridge

“A life is what we live, a legacy is what we leave, and leadership is the bridge.”

-Jay Goff, Coach, Speaker, Trainer

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“The Mighty Mac” Image from Flickr by C. Hanchey

When I Googled the word “Leadership,” 750 million hits came up. Clearly, a lot of folks around the world—including Jay Goff—see great value in this important skill.

When we simplify this widely studied and examined quality, we can agree that it must include speaking about and engendering a desired future in others. The great news today’s quote suggests is that we can all use this bridge to leave a legacy and a lasting difference as we live each day.


Where and in what ways can you develop and expand your own leadership abilities to create a more extraordinary life, and leave the personal and professional legacy you desire?

Values Unite Us

“Beliefs divide us, values unite us.”

-Jeff Rasley, Himalayan Trek Organizer & Author

QC #1014

As a student of leadership I have always been interested in what brings communities and organizations together, and what tears them apart. Prior to writing his classic book Good To Great, Jim Collins wrote a well-researched book titled Built to Last. He had studied many organizations in many industries and found that what today’s quote states is true, and highly valuable.

There is no question that values, beliefs, behaviors, norms, and attitudes shared and exemplified within organizations create the culture, and literally attract or repel staff and customers.

Stated simply: United we Stand, Divided we Fall.


How can you use the simple insight from today’s quote to help support and strengthen the personal and professional communities you care about the most?

“You are my sun, my moon…”

“You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.”

-E.E. Cummings, American poet, painter, essayist & playwright

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The sun, the moon, and the stars emit or reflect light. When light shines upon and around us, we can see and better understand things.

The people closest to us that care the most offer us this opportunity every day, particularly when our eyes are wide open with receptivity and gratitude. It is at these times we discover more about ourselves and can become even more of what is possible for us.


Who are the sun, moon, and stars that have made and continue to make a difference in your life? How will you thank them, illuminate their lives, or the lives of others in the same way?

Collect Moments Not Things

“Collect Moments, Not Things.”

-Author Unknown

QC #1003

On the ninth of March my family did something magical to celebrate my wife Wendy’s birthday. We went to Disneyland in California.

For me, collecting the moments of discovery, joy, and amazement were the highlights. The beautiful expression on Wendy’s face in today’s photo sums it all up!

By the end of the day our cell phone batteries were completely drained from all the photos we took and the texts we sent. That was a good barometer of how well we spent the day! We also purchased a Precious Moment figurine and a few other things to commemorate this special day.


Where would collecting more moments and less things make the biggest difference in your world?


Set Your Life on Fire

“Set your life on Fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”

—Rumi, 13th century Persian Poet

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Most people and many organizations embark on a fresh and inspired start at the beginning of each new year. Without question, you can feel the flames of their purpose and passions. Unfortunately, many of those fires are smoldering embers by now, or may be extinguished altogether.

Rumi knew long ago about the critical component that social support can provide to help keep those inspired flames alive. The engagement of social support from friends, family, co-workers, mentors, and coaches is like an insurance policy that boosts the odds of successful outcomes many fold.


Where would seeking and securing additional social support keep your personal or professional fires burning?

Where can and will you fan the flames of those you care about to return the favor?

One of my favorite books that emphasizes this critical idea is Influencer: The Power to Change Anything by Kerry Patterson,  and Joseph Grenny.