The person who carefully designs their daily routines

“The person who carefully designs their daily routines goes further than the person who negotiates with themselves every day.”

Shane Parrish, creator of the Farnam Street Blog

Image from Unsplash by Marissa Grootes

By designing daily routines, you create a framework that supports your goals and well-being, reducing the need for constant self-discipline and making it easier to maintain a balanced, productive lifestyle.

Here are a few key benefits of a carefully designed daily routine:

  • It reduces the need for constant decision making, allowing you to move from one task to another without wasting time and energy.
  • Routines provide structure and predictability, which can significantly lower stress and promote a sense of calm and control.
  • Consistent daily habits can boost mental well-being by providing a sense of purpose and stability.
  • A daily routine often includes consistent sleep and wake times along with regular exercise — which support improved physical health and overall productivity.


How can creating better daily routines help you achieve more in your personal and professional lives?

Where can and will you start today to tap into the magic of momentum offered by these new habits?

“Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.”

“Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.”

—Wallace Stevens, 20th Century American modernist poet

Image from Unsplash by Greeshma Gangadharan

In recent months, I’ve had considerably more time to think. My daily routines have changed a bit with my health club closing, and working from home.

Instead of my normal fitness efforts I have introduced a 50-minute walk. Although it is not around a lake, it allows for significant, peaceful contemplative time.

Although I am getting plenty of steps and fresh air, of greater interest and value seems to be my mental, emotional, and spiritual explorations. Taking this time to look far more closely and clearly at the truths of my life and our world has been profound.


Consider taking a walk around your own lake or neighborhood and see what truths are revealed. Feel free to reply to this post and let me know what you discover.