You can spend a lifetime prioritizing safety and security, but the world

“You can spend a lifetime prioritizing safety and security, but the world comes alive when you consciously and selectively loosen your grip on the two.”

Stephen St. Amant, author of the Savenwood blog

Image from Unsplash by National Cancer Institute

A few weeks ago, my granddaughter had an accident at her playground. During a trip down the slide she bumped her mouth and lost one of her front baby teeth.

Following a visit to the ER, the dentist, and some time to let everyone’s emotions settle, she is back to her usual playful self.

Although parents and grandparents want to keep their little ones safe at all times, this may not always be the best way to help them venture out and grow.


Where in your life have you prioritized safety and security?

Where might loosening your grip on the two offer you far more rewards well worth the possible bumps along the way?

I love a broad margin in my life

“I love a broad margin in my life.”

Henry David Thoreau, in Walden

Image from Unsplash by Raivis Razgals

What kind of driver are you?

To what degree do you see the speed limit as only a guideline for your consideration? What is your opinion of tailgating and passing on the right?

I am usually a very cautious driver, using the Waze app for directions, to confirm the speed limit, point out delays, accidents, police, and of course, watch for other folks in too much of a hurry.

I prefer to think of my driving efforts as similar to an autonomous vehicle constantly checking my surroundings to maintain the greatest possible safety margin to protect myself and others.


Where in your life do you have or need a greater margin?

What will be the benefit to you and others when you give this broader margin a road test?

“On this shrunken globe, men can no longer live as strangers.”

“On this shrunken globe, men can no longer live as strangers.”

—Adlai Stevenson, 20th Century American lawyer, politician, & diplomat

Image from

The Violence Paradox is one of the recent PBS episodes on the Emmy-award winning series, Nova. Although the title doesn’t indicate light TV viewing, I felt compelled to allocate two hours to consider its message.

Over the past few years, I’ve seen far too many examples of violence on local and national media outlets. The phrase If it Bleeds, it Leads, is more true than ever, given the hyper-competitive efforts to get and hold our attention.

Surprisingly, I learned in watching the Nova episode that in many ways our world is far safer and less violent than at any time in human history. This is based on actual data and not simply our perception of danger around every corner.


Invest some time to evaluate The Violence Paradox for yourself, and see the methods that are being employed to reduce our “stranger danger” perspective of our shrinking world.

What personal efforts can and will you take to bring greater peace to your personal and professional communities?

“It is better to prevent than to cure.”

“It is better to prevent than to cure.”

—Hippocrates, 3rd Century BC Greek Father of Medicine

image from Google

I live and work in Southeast Michigan, where Detroit—also know by its legendary title of The Motor City—is at the hub.

Over the years, car manufacturers have added all kinds of technological safety features to our vehicles. Perhaps one of the most useful and least celebrated is that little yellow maintenance light that alerts us to the need for preventive care. An ounce of prevention eliminates our need for a pound of cure.

We love our cars and celebrate them each year with a multi-week party called The North American Auto Show, drawing participation and car buffs from around the world.

Please join us June 20, 2020, for the great vehicles, and our terrific summer weather!


What areas of your daily life would benefit most from far more rigorous prevention strategies?

What actions will you take today to install a few more yellow lights in your world, as a reminder to yourself?