“I’m no longer sure what the question is, but I do know that that answer is ‘Yes.’”
—Leonard Bernstein, American composer, conductor, author, and pianist

Photo from Flickr by Valerie Everett
One of my favorite and longest standing clients – a man named Stephen – was recently on vacation. This may not ordinarily be remarkable except that he and his family were in Antarctica. On Facebook he posted the ultimate “Ice Bucket Challenge,” by jumping into the frigid waters of the Antarctic Ocean.
How many of us would have said “Yes” to such an experience?
Stephen and I have worked together for 19 years. I admire and respect his “Yes!” attitude and intention to be fully alive.
Examine the opportunities that lie in front of you today, professionally and personally. Where would saying “Yes” and leaping into your own life waters help you live an even more extraordinary life?
Consider picking up a copy of A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, to explore the writings of Donald Miller, another individual who chose to say “Yes.”