“You don’t need clarity on the rest of your life, just on what’s next in your life.”
—Sam Horn, Motivational Keynote Speaker

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In my Coaching Discovery process, I ask prospective clients to rate their level of agreement, on a scale of one (low) to five (high), with the following statement:
“I have a clear view of where I am and where I want to go in life.”
Virtually no one rates themselves five, and most give themselves a score of three or less.
Sam Horn suggests, on one of her recent posts, that we can all use what she calls “The Four I’s” to add greater clarity to navigating a more fulfilling and successful life. They are:
- Instincts: What does your gut say?
- Interests: What are your talents, skills, and unique abilities?
- Integrity: What life choices are most aligned with your core values and priorities?
- Initiative: How can you proactively reach out to an individual or organization that is doing work you admire and respect?
Explore The Four I’s with a coach, close friend, or professional colleague whose perspective you value to help you see more clearly what’s next for you.