Boost the resolution of your thinking

Boost the resolution of your thinking. Notice the self-talk and images that pass through your mind and watch them come into focus.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by David Travis

I recently visited my ophthalmologist for my annual checkup. Evaluating my sight with eye charts and paddles to cover one eye at a time is a test I always hope to pass.

When I compare my actual sight — which tends to decline with time — to my evolving “in-sights” of thinking, I find it pleasing to know that my focus in many areas of my world is actually improving.


In what ways can you boost the resolution of your thinking?  How can the focus on this inner world help you to see beyond your current horizons?

Sometimes the direct approach doesn’t work

Sometimes the direct approach doesn’t work. You may need to find and enter the third door to reach your goal.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Daria Neprikhina

The “Third Door” concept introduced by Alex Banayan in his book, The Third Door, likens success to entering a nightclub with three doors:

The first door is the main entrance where most people wait.

The second door is the VIP entrance for the privileged few.

The third door represents an unconventional path that requires creativity and persistence, like sneaking through a back entrance or finding hidden opportunities.

This concept emphasizes thinking outside the box and leveraging unique strategies to achieve extraordinary success.


How might you discover your own “third door” to success by embracing barriers, setbacks, and mistakes when your first doors remain locked?

What new approaches and hidden passages might you discover by opening the third doors in your world?

Friday Review: Thinking

Friday Review: Thinking

How often do you think about the way you (or others) think? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

“The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.”




“If you see the world in black and white, you’re missing important grey matter.”




“We are sitting under the tree of our thinking minds, wondering why we’re not getting any sunshine!”







There is value in thinking fast and slow. 

There is value in thinking fast and slow.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Amazon

Where would allowing for uncertainty in your thinking help you arrive at better answers?

If you watch game shows you probably notice how important it is to think fast to beat the clock or your opponent.

In our day-to-day lives, making quick decisions can be useful in many achievement areas… until it isn’t.

Where has making snap decisions and acting on impulse gotten you in trouble or lead you down the wrong path?

Alternatively, where has being more mindful, evaluating decisions with your head, heart, and gut, led you to better outcomes?

Where has it been helpful to not be so certain and evaluate some personal or professional options through a more discerning method?


Consider reading Thinking Fast and Slow by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and exploring the benefits of both approaches to help you improve your decision-making abilities.

Alter your thinking about thinking

Alter your thinking about thinking. Sometimes sitting with a question can expand your mind without always needing to find an answer.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Eugene Lagunov

A powerful question can act like a mind-altering substance. It can be a catalyst to help fire previously underused neurons and emit floods of neurotransmitters to help us think new thoughts.

Modifying our thinking on our own can be difficult. We are constantly bathing our minds with many of the same messages, 24/7. Consider relating this idea to Newton’s Law of Inertia which states:

“Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.”


What are some ways you can alter your current thinking?

What are some internal and external forces that can support you to change your life for the better?

What questions can you sit with that may help you in this effort?

Your mind is like a bookshelf

Your mind is like a bookshelf. You can browse the titles without opening them all.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Patel Czerwinski

What’s on your mind these days?

How many open tabs, apps, and pages have some or most of your attention? How does jumping from one thing to another at the speed of thought make you feel?

When was the last time you visited an actual book store or library? What was it like to browse through the shelves at a leisurely pace?

How many books did you select and actually open to see if the contents were worth a longer look?


How would patiently browsing through the bookshelf of your mind help you be far more discerning with what you let into the library of your life?

“Your thoughts are bubbles waiting to be popped.”

“Your thoughts are bubbles waiting to be popped.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn, American professor emeritus of medicine

Image from Unsplash by Alex Alvarez

The other day I was refilling a soap dispenser at the kitchen sink. While pouring the liquid soap carefully into the opening a bubble formed, creating a dome-shaped barrier which caused the soap to spill over the counter. Until this bubble popped my efforts to continue filling the dispenser were thwarted. This happened a few times and given my level of impatience, I used my finger to pop these bubbles to get on with my task.

This routine chore got me thinking about how I used to read the comic strips in the Sunday paper, or eat a piece of Bubble Yum gum in my youth. How are your thoughts like bubbles of awareness? How long do these bubbles last and guide you successfully through your days?


How aware are you of your inner voice?  How many of your thoughts bubble up without your awareness? Where would greater mindfulness help you sustain the bubbles you want and pop the ones that don’t serve your best intentions?

Worry compounds the futility of being trapped on a dead-end street

“Worry compounds the futility of being trapped on a dead-end street. Thinking opens up new avenues.”

—Cullen Hightower, American quip writer

Image from Unsplash by Yellow I’m Nik

Over the past several weeks I’ve become increasingly aware and sensitive to the worries, complaints, and repeating gossip in the people around me. I am sure I must participate at some level, but I can’t stop wishing others would cease and desist with these ever-looping, dead-end conversations.

I wish I had a magic wand to shift other’s perspectives to open up new avenues to more empowering and productive paths in their discussions.


What are some of your best approaches when you and others in your communities are trapped on the dead-end streets of worry? What can you do to open yourself and others up to new avenues of thinking?

Notice your internal playlist

Notice your internal playlist.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Mohammad Metri

The moment we wake up it starts. Our inner voice begins and won’t stop until an undetermined time after our heads hit our pillows. If you — like many people — experience insomnia from time to time, the pause or stop button can be most elusive.


What thoughts have you been playing on repeat lately? What pivoting strategies can you apply given this awareness? How can you shift your playlist to one that soothes and serves?

“To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”

“To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”

—Eva Young, M.D. Orthopedic Physician

Image from Unsplash by Jason Strull

How familiar are you with the concept of BE, DO, HAVE?

One way to describe this idea might sound like: in order to HAVE the life you desire you must DO the things that are consistent with your vision, values and BEINGNESS.

Other examples of this could be wanting to be healthy and fit without the proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, or wanting to move up in your career without doing the hard work to earn your advancement.


Where are you procrastinating and still thinking about what you most want in your life? What must you begin doing today to not have this habit become your undoing?