“If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”
—Abraham Maslow, 20th Century American Psychologist

Image from Unsplash by Travelergeek
When was the last time you needed to repair your car, an appliance, or some other device in your home?
In days gone by, we would sometimes give these items a good whack in hopes of getting them going again.
Sometimes it actually worked!
These days, it is rare that any single tool or technique can get the job done, given the multitude and complexity of the many technologies and challenges we face.
In our use of communication, leadership, management, and coaching tools, it almost always takes a tailored and customized approach to optimize our outcomes.
Where in your life is being a hammer not working?
Consider asking a friend, colleague, family member, or coach for guidance regarding what other tools might be a better choice.