Explore your trustworthiness

Explore your trustworthiness. From there look for this and other similar qualities in yourself and others.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by KVST

They say Birds of a Feather Flock Together. What kind of bird are you? Create a list of different birds and see what qualities come to mind when you personify their attributes.

Here is a short list to get you started:

  • An eagle
  • A flamingo
  • A penguin
  • An owl
  • A seagull
  • A swallow


What bird(s) best personify you?

What qualities do they represent, and how have you applied those qualities to attract others into your flock or tribe?

Trust One Who Has Tried

“Trust one who has tried.”

—Virgil, ancient Roman poet of the Augustan period

Meme Trustworthiness

What criteria do you use to determine someone’s trustworthiness?

Select a particular person from your professional or personal community. Using the following questions, rate them on a scale of one to four, with four being high:


  • Is consistent and dependable
  • Is more focused on others than self
  • Is a good listener
  • Keeps personal confidences and avoids gossip
  • Shows genuine care for others
  • Exhibits honesty and integrity
  • Is a win-win, consensus builder

Also ask yourself if this person walks their talk, even in the face of obstacles and challenges.


How would you rate yourself – or better yet – how would others rate you on the same trustworthiness scale? How can you always demonstrate yourself as one who would not ask others to do something you hadn’t tried yourself?