Boost the resolution of your thinking

Boost the resolution of your thinking. Notice the self-talk and images that pass through your mind and watch them come into focus.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by David Travis

I recently visited my ophthalmologist for my annual checkup. Evaluating my sight with eye charts and paddles to cover one eye at a time is a test I always hope to pass.

When I compare my actual sight — which tends to decline with time — to my evolving “in-sights” of thinking, I find it pleasing to know that my focus in many areas of my world is actually improving.


In what ways can you boost the resolution of your thinking?  How can the focus on this inner world help you to see beyond your current horizons?

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way

“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.”

Edward deBono, 20th Century Maltese physician and commentator

Image from Unsplash by Vedrana Filipović

The other day, I was walking with a neighbor who also loves to cook.

In our discussion, I learned that his career is that of a food chemist, and that he often uses varied approaches to make his meals — especially his desserts.

Although there are many times it is appropriate to follow specific recipes to the letter, he was particularly animated when our conversation took a turn toward adjusting one’s approach — particularly when certain ingredients are not available.


Where and how can you think and operate outside your cookbook of success to whip up some new and creative recipes to spice up your life?

“The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.”

“The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.”

Richard Bach, American author

Image from Unsplash by Shawn Rain

Where do you draw the line between work and play?

Consider the activities that you want to, get to, and have to get done.

My grandchildren recently started 1st grade and preschool. At this early point in their lives, virtually everything is play and their enthusiasm and engagement is always ready to go.

About the only things that they don’t want to do is clean up their toys and go to bed, because of their own youthful FOMO.


In what areas of your life can you shift your views on your “have to do’s” to turn them into “get to do’s” and “want to do’s”?

Greatness and nearsightedness are incompatible.

Greatness and nearsightedness are incompatible. Meaningful achievement depends on lifting one’s sight and pushing toward the horizon.

Daniel Pink, New York Times Best-Selling Author

Image from Unsplash by Mohamed Nohassi

What qualities and characteristics make an individual, organization, or even a country great?

Look back over your life to those individuals who stood out and lead those around them to a better future.

Read documents they wrote or listen to their speeches to see how they shared their values and visions for bettering our world.

Notice how their visions became beacons for others so that they could pursue greatness together.


Where have you been a bit nearsighted in your personal and professional pursuits?

In what ways can and will you lift your sights higher and push beyond the current horizons of your life?

A vision is not just a picture of what could be

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, professor of business at Harvard Business School

Image of the Methuselah Pine, from

Did you know that many of the oldest and largest living things on the planet are trees?

The current record-holder for an individual, non-clonal tree is a great basin bristlecone pine from California, called Methuselah.

Through tree-ring cross referencing, it has been shown to be almost 5,000 years old.

Imagine yourself as this tree, living for five millennia.

Think of its skyward vision and continuous growth to become something more with each new branch and leaf.


What are some of your most powerful visions?

How do they appeal to your better self and call you to grow and become something more?

When you talk with other people, raise the conversation just a little higher

“When you talk with other people, raise the conversation just a little higher.”

Tzvi Freeman, Canadian Rabbi and author

Image from Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez

A Brief History of the Future is a unique six-part PBS documentary series about our futures and how we can re-imagine them, hosted by renowned futurist Ari Wallach.

The series invites viewers on a journey around the world that is filled with discovery, hope, and possibility about where we find ourselves today — and what could come next.

It challenges us and the dystopian framework embraced by popular culture by offering a refreshing and uplifting take on the future.


Please watch this series and join the wide range of thinkers, scientists, developers, and storytellers with your own uplifting and positive vision of what’s possible for our future.

As a frightened man in a burning boat has only one way to the rest of his life

“As a frightened man in a burning boat has only one way to the rest of his life, we must move with courage through the wall of flame into the greater sea.”

Mark Nepo, poet and spiritual adviser

Image from Unsplash by dan carlson

Where and when in your life did you last demonstrate significant courage? What are some examples of facing your fears and jumping into an unsettled sea?

Today’s quote does not suggest we risk life and limb as proof of courage, but does  suggest that we should welcome the heat, and test the waters of our days more often.

What are some current situations in which you are experiencing the flames of fears?

When in the past did you step through such flames, standing taller on the other side?


To what degree is your current level of courage putting you on a course to fulfill the vision you have for your life?

When can and will you step up and over the edge of your fears to realize far more of your potential?


Friday Review: Vision

Friday Review: Vision

How clear is your vision for yourself and your future? Here are a few elated posts you may have missed.

“Approach every task as though it were the moment that will define you.”




“The best way to ride a horse is in the direction in which it is going.”




“It’s amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.”




Speech is a very important aspect of being human

“Speech is a very important aspect of being human. A whisper doesn’t cut it.”

James Earl Jones, American actor and voice of Darth Vader

Image from Unsplash by Julien Backhaus

What are some of the most important qualities of an outstanding leader? What are the factors that have people follow them in their personal, professional, or civic communities?

Who are the leaders — past and present — that you most admire? What actions do and did they take to enroll and engender others?

Today’s quote clearly offers a key answer: Fundamental to a leader’s role is to speak about the future they envision, and gain buy-in to these futures from others.

Given this perspective, leadership is not limited to just the famous or powerful. It is a quality we all can apply daily to live the dreams we dream.


How often and where do you speak up to share your vision for the future?

Where would it be beneficial to raise the volume on the whispering voices within to tell the world where you stand?

There is a vastness that quiets the soul, but sometimes we are so squarely in the midst of life’s forces that we can’t see what we’re a part of

“There is a vastness that quiets the soul, but sometimes we are so squarely in the midst of life’s forces that we can’t see what we’re a part of.”

—Mark Nepo, Author of The Book of Awakening

Image from Unsplash by Sebastian Pichler

Wendy and I purchased our 3½ year-old grandson a junior planetarium as one of his holiday gifts. Weston loves anything to do with the planets, rocket ships, and learning new things.

Those first few weeks when his toy was a novelty, he often urged me into his room — complete with room darkening curtains — to swap out the numerous discs with multiple images like the old viewfinders from childhood.

Beyond the many beautiful images of the other planets, nebulae, and star fields, we always paused a bit longer when we saw the photo of the earth to see the big picture of where we all live.


Where and when do you take the time to zoom out far enough from your daily activities to see what you are part of? Try this zoom out technique and see if and how this wider view quiets your soul.