Take a moment to investigate and celebrate the mystery and miracle of your very existence.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Annie Spratt

The search for intelligent life beyond Earth has made significant strides in recent years.

NASA’s chief scientists predicted ten years ago that we might find strong indications of extraterrestrial life by now, but that timeline hasn’t materialized.

Initiatives like Breakthrough Listen have dramatically increased our observation capabilities and advanced telescopes and exoplanet discoveries have expanded our understanding of other potential habitable worlds.

Citizen science projects like SETI@HOME has democratized our search efforts and we can all be grateful that we are looking out into the universe from the mystery and miracle of our conscious existence.


Whether looking into a telescope or a microscope, how can you be more fully inspired and grateful for your life and the ride we all get to take on this beautiful blue spaceship?

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