“When you take your time, you save time.”
—Author Unknown

Image from Stepping Stones
How are your investments doing these days? This past year? Since you began your personal investment plans?
What has been the return on your investments?
Given the tangibility and objectivity of money and its ability to be exchanged for products and services, you probably know this number reasonably well.
Time, on the other hand, is a bit more elusive, in that it is often far more difficult to determine exactly how well we spend it. One of my other favorite quotes on this topic is Time is the Coin of Life, suggesting its great importance to our overall success and satisfaction.
Today’s quote coaches us to be far more intentional and thoughtful in our decisions to allocate our time and energies. In doing so, it suggests, we will actually save time by not making poor decisions, false starts, or initiatives that may not optimally serve our visions and values.
Where and in what ways can and will you slow down and spend your time more wisely, in order to save time for those most prized and valued activities in your life?