“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.”
—Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, 13th Century Persian Sunni Muslim poet

Image from Flickr by Jona Nalder
I’ve been an early riser my entire life. Even as a child, I would wake early on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons. There were no video recorders or DVRs in the 60s!
These days, I consistently wake before dawn to get a quick start on my day through meditation and a multi-faceted exercise routine.
The noise level of the world is substantially lower in the early morning hours. I find the quiet supports greater creativity and the ability to listen to whispers of wisdom that are often drowned out by higher decibel levels during the day.
How might an “early to bed early to rise” strategy help you hear more valuable secrets of the dawn, to live a more full and happy life?