“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”
—J. Pierpont Morgan, 19th Century American Banker

Image from Unsplash by Brian Patrick Tagalog
Pain and pleasure are two of the greatest motivators to mobilize us all to take action. Whether it involves jerking our hand away from a hot stove or pursing our dreams, we get going pretty quickly.
For some reason, pain or negative life situations often win the battle over our desires, making less of an undesirable situation preferable to more of a good one.
Whatever your own experience may be on this issue, please look around at your personal and professional worlds to examine where staying where you are is completely unacceptable.
Decide today what first step you promise yourself to take to move away from the pain of being stuck where you are, to a better and perhaps more pleasurable future. Consider doing this exercise on a weekly basis and feel free to get back with me regarding your results.