“Sometimes I think that the one thing I love most about being an adult is the right to buy candy whenever and wherever I want.”
—Ryan Gosling, Canadian Actor and Musician

mage from Flickr by Sean Freese
Looking back to my childhood, Halloween was perhaps my favorite holiday. The process of selecting our costumes to be hand-made by mom, and the pillow cases we used to collect our booty, still brings a fond smile.
In those years, we went out early and stayed out pretty late, and it was common to head home to drop off a load of the sweet stuff and head back out for more. That night, and for a few short weeks after, we had the freedom to eat our fill and not hear “No!” too often.
This freedom to choose our actions was something I cherished and it has been a core value of mine ever since.
How and in what ways can you experience even more of the sweetness of life by embracing and exercising the personal freedoms we sometimes take for granted?