The spotlight effect has us think that we are the center of other people’s attention. We’re not!

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Jason Goodman

Have you ever attended a networking event to promote your business, your product, or even yourself? These are gatherings where you can (hopefully) make a good impression on others by offering your sixty second commercial or a thirty second elevator pitch.

For many people, such events create a bit of fear or trepidation, knowing that all eyes are on you as you speak.

The truth in these situations is that during these moments everyone else is so concerned with what they intend to say that they actually pay little or no attention to you.


Where in your personal or professional world do you worry and fret about being in the spotlight?

How can knowing that others are paying little attention to you put you at ease and support your well-being in these social and professional situations?