“The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.”
—Lin Yutang, 20th Century Chinese inventor, novelist, and philosopher

Image from Unsplash by Faye Cornish
To what degree are you a wisdom seeker?
Would you also describe yourself as an explorer and life-long learner, looking to grasp and understand what makes us and everything around us work?
Given the considerable challenges facing all of us and the world, it is natural to see the need to work harder than ever to hold our ground and not regress and be defeated.
Perhaps instead of life being a series of adding more and more in order to feel better, it may be time for a bit of selective editing in which less is more.
Where would limiting or eliminating some of the non-essentials in your life lead you toward greater wisdom?
Feel free to reply to this post with the actions you intend to take.