“To have what you want, don’t want it—give it.”
-Author Unknown
A dozen years ago The Secret was all the rage. Wherever you looked in bookstores, on the internet, and on Oprah, everyone wanted to master the secret to a happier life. Many also referred to it as the Law of Attraction, which is inherent in phrases like, “what you think about comes about.”
Today’s quote puts a bit of spin on this idea in that it suggests we simply need to give what we want to get.
Consider this list of the things most people want, and perhaps add a few of your own:
Love | Respect | Praise | Trust |
Loyalty | Joy | Happiness | Pleasure |
Wealth | Adventure | Achievement | Acknowledgement |
Health | Peace | Friendship | Encouragement |
How and where can you get far more of what you want by generously giving it to others? With whom could you begin this practice today?