“Today was good, today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”
—Dr. Seuss, Pen Name of Theodor Seuss Geisel

Rachel, Chris, and Weston
On May 17 at 1:16 am, a little miracle named Weston Luke was born, making my daughter Rachel and her husband Chris first-time parents.
It was a very, very good day, and except for the process of labor for Rachel, the excitement and fun was off the charts.
Following the birth, I took a Pop-Pop one-week Paternity Leave from work to be present for the daily changes and growth little Weston experienced with each new day. It seems we adults are far more present to and aware of even the slightest change in newborns than those in our own lives.
How and in what ways can you more fully appreciate all the good and fun each day presents, with the intent and hope that tomorrow will be another one?