“True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by.”
—E.S. Bouton

Image from Unsplash by RawPixel
My wife Wendy’s “happy place” is the beach. She loves nothing more, except family and friends, than her time on a sandy ocean beach, looking for interesting and beautiful shells. Among her favorites are brightly colored or interestingly shaped mollusk shells, particularly if they are shaped like a heart or infinity symbol.
When she is not at the beach, she sets a wonderful example for me, my children, and others, by squeezing the most out of each precious day. It is not uncommon for her to alter the hours she sleeps, simply because she doesn’t want to miss any of the joy and sweetness life has to offer.
How and in what ways can you seek, discover, and savor more of the precious things around you to make more of each and every day?