“Use ‘Truth Talk’ sparingly, like a seasoning.”
—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Josh Massey
How often do you use a “tell it like it is,” “tough love,” or “scared straight” approach in your personal and professional interactions?
Where does this “Truth Talk” or as Coach Marshall Goldsmith suggests, “Feed Forward” provide the desired outcomes you intend?
Where are you currently a bit too heavy-handed on the salty or peppery words and attitudes you offer others?
Although often well-intended, our truth and desire to offer our “correct” perspective on virtually any matter results in making the other individual wrong. This usually causes them to shut down or push back with their own truth talk to defend and protect their behaviors and views.
How and with whom would a lighter hand on the salt shakers of your truth talk help lower the blood pressure levels in your most important relationships?