“We can find Awe, then in eight wonders of life: moral beauty, collective effervescence, nature, music, visual design, spirituality and religion, life and death, and epiphany.”

Dacher Keltner, American professor of psychology at UC, Berkeley

Image from Unsplash by Christopher Ruel

Keltner’s research suggest that the eight categories mentioned in today’s quote represent the most common sources of awe in people’s lives.

He emphasizes that while we often think of awe as arising from grand, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, it can actually be found in everyday moments and surroundings.

By being more aware and mindful of these “wonders” in our daily lives, we can potentially increase our experiences of awe and its associated benefits for well-being and connection.


In what ways have you experienced some of the everyday moments of awe through Keltner’s eight wonders of life?  If this topic piques your interest, consider reading or listening to his 2023 book Awe.