“We need something with permanence for us to rally around.”
—Simon Sinek, Author of The Infinite Game

Image from Amazon
To what degree are you playing the short game in your professional and personal life? Where are you observing this tendency in those around you and in society in general?
Where are you seeing a focus on making your numbers, winning the game, and immediate gratification causing all sorts of challenges that seem to separate us instead of bringing us together?
The Infinite Game, by Simon Sinek, challenges this short game perspective. He describes a reality far more conducive to our deep-seated human need to contribute to something bigger, as we also provide for ourselves and our families.
Where in your local, national, or global communities is it time to work together on a far more permanent long game, to realize a more unified and brighter future?
Consider taking a look at Simon Sinek’s Infinite Game YouTube presentation.