What does the world outside you and inside you need? Embrace the satisfaction and nurturing qualities of caring for others and yourself.
—Calm App Reflection
How do you determine if you are having a good day?
In what ways do you measure your areas of progress and success?
What factors must be met for just surviving versus thriving?
In his book Drive, Daniel Pink points out three areas to consider to experience that “get up and go” that drive us forward in life. They are:
- Autonomy and the ability to direct and influence our lives
- Mastery and increased skills and capabilities in areas of importance
- Purpose or the feeling we are making a positive difference in the lives of others and the world
To what degree do your days include these factors?
What steps can and do you take to grow and expand your autonomy, mastery, and sense of purpose in order to feel the drive to get up and start each new day?