“What is in the way of what you want? Can you come up with at least three different paths around it?”

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

As part of my coaching toolkit, I use a three step exercise called a Pivot Point to help my clients progress when they are stalled or stopped in their efforts.

Step one in this exercise is to assess the current reality. In the case of today’s quote, that would involve determining what’s in the way.

Step two would be to determine the outcome or preferred future they desire. In this case it would be to describe the details of what they want.

Step three mobilizes them into new patterns of thinking and acting to help them realize their path forward and the results they desire.


How and where could you use the three step Pivot Point exercise and James Clear’s quote to work around what stands in the way of what you want?

Seeking the support of a coach, mentor, or colleague can be useful in discovering new paths to pursue.