“What small step can you take today that will put you on the path toward something wonderful?”

James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Image from Unsplash by Hayley Murray

Each morning I take a three mile walk with friends from my neighborhood. Our time together usually involves discussing current events, our lives, and our various interests.

We unconsciously take the same 8/10ths of a mile circuit walking in a counter-clockwise direction.

Although we sometime comment on the state of our landscaping and repairs being made by our neighbors, the path we take is unremarkable, with the same inclines and curves we never seem to notice.

The other day one of our fearless leaders dragged the rest of us outside our development to visit a local park which provided a nice change of pace to the path we usually take.


Where in your life are you going in circles and not noticing anything particularly wonderful?

In what ways can you step off this path to investigate aspect of your world previously unexplored?