“What would have drawn a ‘WOW’ fifteen years ago won’t draw a yawn today.”
-Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

Image from ebay
My first “WOW!” experience with technology occurred about 50 years ago in a department store in the Philadelphia area. I came upon a 10’ x 8” LED calculator that added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided—that’s it!
I was completely mesmerized for almost an hour by this magic box that seemed to complete an infinite number of calculations at the speed of light.
This experience seems downright primitive compared to the technological advancements since then. Just look at the children around you, playing with phones, tablets, gaming stations, and many other magical devices.
Where and in what ways can you maintain or even expand that “WOW!“ factor in your personal and professional worlds, to experience greater success and youthful exuberance?