“Worries and tensions are like birds. We cannot stop them from flying near us, but we can certainly stop them from making a nest in our minds.”
—Rishika Jain, rishikajain.com

Image from Unsplash by Ben White
When I think of a “nest,” I think of home, safety, comfort, security, and peace. What other words come to mind for you?
Consider the visitors you invite into your home, and those whom you would never allow past your welcome mat. We all want to keep the good stuff in and the undesirable things out of our homes.
How much does the inner world of your mind act as a sanctuary – a safe and secure nest? How often do worry or tension-related intruders find their way in, disrupting your world?
What are some of your most effective strategies for preventing, or at least limiting, worry and tension from making a nest in your mind?
Please reply to this post and share your most effective techniques. Invite others in your communities to also share their most helpful methods.