“You are What you Eat.”

Image from eslforeveryone.com
Most health and fitness experts would agree with the truth of today’s quote. Who would want to live their life as a baloney sandwich? Or a deep-fried Twinkie?
Based on my research, here are the foods that should be on everyone’s shopping list:
Spinach | Beets | Watermelon |
Berries | Sweet Potatoes | Grapefruit |
Salmon | Tomatoes | Asparagus |
Avacado | Kale | Kelp |
Quinoa | Beans & Lentils | Cabbage |
Broccoli | Cantalope | Eggs |
Almonds | Artichokes | Chia Seeds |
Bananas | Lemons | Dark Chocolate |
Nuts & Seeds | Garlic | Cauliflower |
Mushrooms | Coconut | Watercress |
Wild Rice | Honey | Maple Syrup |
Consider going on a food safari to bring more of these life-enhancing foods into your kitchen. Even small adjustments to this part of your lifestyle can make a big difference.