“You can lean over backwards so far that you can fall flat on your face.”
—Ben H. Bagdkian, American educator and journalist
Are you a pushover? How often do you let others in your world take advantage of you?
Where have you become so flexible to the intentions and interests of others that you have lost your backbone and sense of self?
Let’s face it—It is impossible to get everyone to like us. If you have tried to do so by bending over backwards, accommodating what other want, you are destined to fall flat on your face or at least lose your way.
Where and with whom in your world is it time to straighten and strengthen your backbone?
Where would a boost of personal integrity and resolve to live life on your terms have others look to you for leadership in your various communities?
This is a great visual and perspective, Barry!
Some people really do try to accommodate and please everyone, which is impossible. It’s good to keep a watchful eye on colleagues and family who are these giving souls to make sure they are ok and don’t fall in their faces.