“You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it’s getting raised regardless.”

Seth Godin, American author and a former dot com business executive

Image from Unsplash by Meghan Holmes

The 2024 summer Olympics begin on Friday July 26th. If you’re a fan like me, you’ll be tuned into this global event, watching over 10,000 athletes pursue new levels of excellence and those elusive medals.

My coaching career was inspired by the 5,000+ athletes and 2,000+ coaches at the 1992 Barcelona games.

Seeing the correlation between coaching and the highest levels of performance in sport inspired me to raise my own bar of achievement and help others pursue new levels of success in their personal and professional lives.


Where in your world do you see the bar being raised to new heights?

How and in what ways are you preparing for your personal Olympics with the goal of having a gold medal life?